Before I begin my entry this week, I want to look at the
definition of the following words: lust & love.
Oxford dictionary:
‘strong sexual desire’.
dictionary: ‘often confused with love, it is purely physical
attraction and has no lasting effect.’
Oxford dictionary:
‘a strong feeling of affection’.
dictionary: ‘the most
spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone.’
We are now 33 weeks into this
year and I’m now starting to see certain things about dating and relationships.
I’ve always believed that the best way to start a relationship is to have
strong feelings for the person you are entering the relationship with and there
should be butterflies in your stomach and you should always be filled with glee
when you think about the other person. I was quite young when this idea entered
my head. From what I remember I got it mainly from the media. Films, music
videos, books, adverts and I always assumed that most relationships started
this way. To be honest I didn’t think much about what it took to keep the
romance going in a relationship and I didn’t realise until the past few years
that romance and love are choices that people who experience it make. They are
not God given rights. It doesn’t just happen automatically like lust. It takes
time and conscious effort.
In the past few months I’ve
listened to several videos and read a number of books and blogs, which I
believe have really opened my eyes and heart to what love is. The verb ‘give’
in essence is the main signifier of love. When I first heard someone talking
about how love is not about what you get from the other person, and those in relationships
for what it offers them are simply in a contract and they’ve agreed with their
spouse to do something in return for something else and are simply fulfilling
the terms of the contract and not in love; I realised for the first time that
my internal definition of love has been wrong all these years. Love is not
selfish or self gratifying. I literally had a light bulb moment. It’s not that
I haven’t come across this new definition of love (new to my spirit) before
because I have. I listened to Destiny Child’s song, outro (thank you), where
Michelle explains the characteristics of love. At the time, I didn’t see love
as something I had control over. I thought it just happened naturally. I didn’t
realise that I have to actively show love. I thought whoever I end up with will
just love me for me without me making much effort.
I think I’ve subconsciously
subscribed to the love at first sight theory without realising it, because
whenever I go on a date with a guy I never focus on what I should really be
looking for in a potential life partner. I always hope to meet the guy and
really like him to the point that I’d want to think about him all the time. Not
until after watching the vlog: Dating and courtship - do you understand the real purpose of dating? did I realise what I should have been asking myself whilst
dating. This whole time I’ve been
focused on my list which was more concerned with my wants. Not once did I ask
myself whether I have or could develop genuine admiration and respect for any
of these guys. Even the ones I liked, looking back now I can’t say I admired
them. I was just on an emotional high (lust) and once the high cleared off I
didn’t really have the respect that I have for some of my male friends for
these guys. If things had gone my way whilst I was on an emotional high I would
have probably found myself in a relationship and months later realised that I
don’t even like the guy because I don’t admire who he is and how he chooses to
live his life. Not to talk of wanting to love him.
As much as that vlog has
revolutionised my thinking of what to look for in a potential partner I can’t
say that I will be giving up my list just yet. I now subscribe to the
definition of love being about giving and it’s a choice that people make. But
before I can give my all to a guy and choose to love him whole heartedly and
unconditionally, I still need him to meet a certain standard. I’m not saying
that if over time he loses some of the attributes on my list I will stop loving
him, I’m just saying to begin with I need him to have certain qualities that I
believe will make me respect him before developing long lasting respect and
admiration for him. This is not to say that I don’t respect guys who don’t meet
my criteria. I will have the type of life that I want by meeting a guy who
meets my criteria and when we make a choice in life we take a number things
into consideration and don’t blindly decide to do things and then deal with the
consequences. My criteria is one of the things I will consider before choosing
to love a guy. I may compromise on some things but not on some. For example I
want a guy who is ambitious. Not completely for my sake but for his too. When
you are ambitious you see possibilities and you ooze positivity, more so than
those who lack ambition and people who have a positive approach to life tend to
have happier lives.
I realise that this love that I’m talking about is not
going to be a walk in the park to fulfil but if I diligently focus on finding a
guy who meets my criteria and is highly respectable and admirable in my eyes
I’m sure I could develop love for him over time, even if I don’t have the
intense rush of emotions at the start. The definitions of love above don’t
mention attraction as a component to love. They mentioned affection and euphoric
feeling but neither of these words translates to attraction.
Readers do you agree with my new understanding of love or
do you think this way of thinking is unrealistic and if attraction is not there
from the start it may never come? Should love be about attraction?
Thanks for reading My
dating year – Stage 17.