Change of direction!
If you read my last blog you may be curious to find out
what the new era that I mentioned is all about. If you didn’t keep reading you may
take away something that you didn’t expect to find and besides you are already
on my page so you might as well continue reading.
The big reason for the change as I mentioned is that I’m
tired of just dating to blog and I want to meet someone. I want a relationship.
I want to build a future with someone. I want to be someone’s reason for
getting up when most things seem bleak. I want someone who will make me want to
rush home after work to cook him something nice and present the food in the
most immaculate way I can think of. He probably won’t care how presentable the
food looks but I want to go out of my way because the guy motivates me to be my
best and in being my best I have to give him the best I can.
I certainly hope that some of my readers got something
out of my blogs and what I now call the old era; whether it’s educational or
entertaining. It definitely made my day to hear 2 separate guys who don’t know
each other say they are learning from my blogs. I can tick one of my core
reasons for starting My dating year. Thanks
guys for voicing the appreciation. You know who you are.
Aside from wanting to meet someone, I got to a point of
frustration with this challenge and blogging. I didn’t feel I was really giving
my readers as much as I promised I was going to give in terms of opening up
about how I feel about each situation. There’s only so much you can learn about
a person from a first date. As that’s all I was going on and the occasional
second dates I didn’t really feel I was experiencing enough to help others who
aren’t as experienced when it comes to dating. I was finding out important
things about most of the guys after the dates but I didn’t report these details
because I didn’t initially want to focus on the aftermaths of my dates. I don’t
think it’s right that I have kept you readers out of the loop as some of you
might have gained more from the after events than the actual dates. The format
of my blog didn’t allow me to provide continuous updates, sorry.
I felt like my blog was losing purpose. I had gone on
enough first dates for anyone who is completely new to dating to learn from,
especially guys. I communicated my frustration to a few friends and stumbled
upon a very useful blog site called: Hooking
Up Smart out of boredom and decided
to change the direction of my challenge after being inspired by some of the
blogs I read on the site. I am redefining what My dating year means and making it more purposeful and even if you,
readers of my blog site, don’t gain from the change I will at least walk away
with a degree in “datingology”. It may not be a certified degree but I will
certainly have the knowledge to hold on to.
In this process of change I have started evaluating
myself and thankfully I have some people around me who aren’t afraid to tell me
the truth about some of my not so attractive qualities, which can turn some
guys off. I will use the next couple of blogs to explore some of these
qualities that I’m working on changing and I will also examine some of the
characteristics that men don’t like about women and vice versa. I have bought
some books and already done one poll and watched some videos on dating and
relationships in order to learn more and bag myself the kind of man who is
really for me, based on who I am and what I want out of life.
From now on I will blog about the process of finding
someone special. I will still go on dates and talk about the dates but not so
much in isolation. I will compare some of the guys and only go on dates with
guys that I can see myself with and not just say yes or initiate dates with
guys who I have no interest in as I did in the previous era. There may be weeks
where I won’t go on dates but I will still put myself out there and write about
how the search is coming along and the new theories and ideas that I have
decided to subscribe to and how I’m finding them. If I’m lucky enough to find a
guy who I’m really interested in and vice versa and decide to see him only I
will continue to blog about the relationship until the end of 2012.
Realistically speaking I don’t think I’ll be finding a guy to settle down with
any time soon because I don’t think I have fully transitioned from the shopping
to the investment mentality when it comes to dating as Paul Carrick Brunson, a
relationship matchmaker puts it. I will exemplify this theory in my next entry.
The plan is to keep the same format as the last era, so I
will continue to post new entries every two weeks but my next entry will be
next week as it’s the second week after date 15. Instead of titling the blogs
as “date...” they will now begin as “stage...(following from the last number
I had” so the next entry will be titled: “stage 16” as I believe I’m on a
journey. My idea of dating is about to change.
I carried out a poll called: ‘How I met my partner’;
which 57 people filled in, 57.4% of whom were in a relationship and the other
42.6% were single. I found out that when it comes to meeting someone to have a
committed relationship with most people in a relationship tend to meet their
partners at family/friends parties/gathering. Even the single people who
actively go out to find a partner voted family/friends parties/gathering joint
first with church as the place where they go to to find a potential partner.
Interestingly online dating site and school/college/university were voted joint
second place as the location where those in relationships found their partners
and professional events was voted second by the singletons.
I did this survey so I can increase my chances of finding
a partner by simply going to the same places where those in relationships said
they attended to find their partners. As they say, there’s no point in reinventing
the wheel. I may not meet the guy I’ll settle down with in the top voted places
but I am willing to give it a try by attending more family and friends events. I’m
not happy that online dating was voted quite highly because I’ve already done
that and got the t-shirt and it’s not my preferred method but I’ll give it
another try. I gained some insightful information which I will refer to over
the course of this journey.
I want to apologise for not going on a second date with
Curtis before changing direction. I have not ruled out a second date with him
but because it’s been so long since our last date I don’t think either of us feel
anything for each other so if I go on a second date with him it will be more to
honour the vote that some of you made.
I hope you all follow me in this new journey and I hope
it’s more useful than the previous era. Please leave me a comment below to let
me know of your thoughts on my change of direction.
Thanks for reading My
dating year – Change of direction!